Using stored procedures
This section explains how to use stored procedures in VA Smalltalk applications. It explains the following tasks:
• Using the Stored Procedure part
• Running a stored procedure
• Handling result sets
This section does not explain how to create stored procedures to be used with the VA Smalltalk Stored Procedure part. Refer to your database documentation for instructions for compiling, linking, and binding applications to your database.
To see examples of using stored procedures in a VA Smalltalk application, load the IBM database samples into your image as follows:
1. From the Organizer, select Options > Load Features, and then select VA: Database, DB2 CLI Samples from the list of features.
After this feature is loaded, from the Organizer, select Applications>View>Show All Applications. TheAbtDbmCliSamples application appears in the Organizer.
2. To open a Composition Editor on the stored procedure examples, select AbtStoredProc1DBView or AbtStoredProc2DBView from the list of parts in the Organizer
These parts use the sample stored procedures that are shipped with DB2. AbtStoredProc1View uses outsrv and AbtStoredProc2DBView uses inpsrv Refer to your DB2 documentation for instructions on constructing the DLLs for these stored procedures.
Though the Stored Procedure part is supported by the ODBC and native ORACLE features, the sample stored procedure parts work with the DB2 SAMPLE database only.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015