Server Smalltalk (SST) feature definition changes
In VisualAge Smalltalk and VA Smalltalk V7.5.2 and earlier, there were 2 features defined for Server Smalltalk (SST):
• ST: Client, SST
• ST: Server, SST
Generally, the idea was that the ST: Client, SST feature included those maps needed to build a Server Smalltalk Client application and the ST: Server, SST feature included those maps needed to build a Server Smalltalk server application using the Cross Development Environment (XD). Unfortunately, this idea did not match the actual content of the features – both features were incorrect in their content.
For the current version of VA Smalltalk, the ST: Client, SST feature has been replaced with a suite of features and the ST: Server, SST feature has had its content reduce to only what is needed to support loading Server Smalltalk into the XD environment and subsequent packaging from that environment.
The new features replacing the ST: Client, SST feature are:
• ST: Server Smalltalk (SST) – Base
• ST: Server Smalltalk (SST) – CORBA IIOP
• ST: Server Smalltalk (SST) – Distributed Objects
• ST: Server Smalltalk (SST) – HTTP
• ST: Server Smalltalk (SST) – Java RMI
• ST: Server Smalltalk (SST) – Mail (IMAP/SMTP)
• ST: Server Smalltalk (SST) – Message Queuing (MQ)
• ST: Server Smalltalk (SST) – Seaside
• ST: Server Smalltalk (SST) – Seaside Testing
• ST: Server Smalltalk (SST) – Web Services
To support this reorganization of the Server Smalltalk features, changes were needed to the underlying configuration maps. This is a purely organizational change, no applications were added or deleted. The changes are:
• Server Smalltalk - Basic Tools (added)
• Server Smalltalk - Distributed Examples (added)
• Server Smalltalk - Distributed Tools (added)
• Server Smalltalk - HTTP Examples (added)
• Server Smalltalk - IIOP Examples (added)
• Server Smalltalk - Java RMI Examples (added)
• Server Smalltalk - Java RMI Tools (added)
• Server Smalltalk - Mail Examples (added)
• Server Smalltalk - Packaging Examples (added)
• Server Smalltalk - Tools (deleted)
• Server Smalltalk - Wizard Tools (deleted)
Last modified date: 07/02/2019