This class and open/close file descriptors with read/write/append access rights. Atomic append is supported on all platforms.
This class provides access to stdin, stdout and stderr of the VAST process. These are used within the <OsProcesses>
framework to provide redirection to VAST's stdio streams. Unlike normal file redirection, it ensures that the file descriptors handles are not closed as a result of process execution.
This class also provides cross-platform support for writing to NULL devices which will effectively discard output.
The following accessors are available on the class-side of <OsProcessFileDescriptor>
  • #stdin - File descriptor associated with the VAST input stream
  • #stdout - File descriptor associated with the VAST output stream
  • #stderr - File descriptor associated with the VAST error stream
Class Methods
<details> new
<pre><code> Answer a new file descriptor in the initial state
</code></pre> </details>
<details> stderr
<pre><code> Answer the file descriptor associated with stderr
</code></pre> </details>
<details> stdin
<pre><code> Answer the file descriptor associated with stdin
</code></pre> </details>
<details> stdout
<pre><code> Answer the file descriptor associated with stdout
</code></pre> </details>
Instance Methods
Last modified date: 07/07/2022