Instances of <OsVastSubprocess> are cross-platform handles representing operating system processes that have been spawned by VAST
Stdio Streams
Instances of this class add the concepts of stdio streams to a native process.
  • #inputStream - A write stream connecting to the stdin on the subprocess
  • #outputStream - A read stream connecting to the stdout of the subprocess
  • #errorStream - A read stream connecting to the stderr of the subprocess
Instances of this class also add the concept of tracing. This trace information provides detailed info about the spawning of the subprocess.
  • #traceStream - A read stream on the optional trace information for the process.
Class Methods
<details> all
<pre><code> Private: Use OsProcesses>>spawned Answer an array of pid sorted subprocesses of VAST that were active at the time this call was made
</code></pre> </details>
<details> deadlockAvoidanceMs
<pre><code> Answer the wait (in milliseconds) that occurs in the DeadlockAvoidance process loop
</code></pre> </details>
<details> deadlockAvoidanceMs:
<pre><code> Set the wait (in milliseconds) that occurs in the DeadlockAvoidance process loop
A lower number means less time for the os pipe buffer to fill up
</code></pre> </details>
Instance Methods
<details> closeStreams
  Close all stdio streams.
     Ignore any exceptions
<details> errorStream
<pre><code> Answer the stderr stream of the process. @see OsNativeProcess>>stderrStream comments for more details.
</code></pre> </details>
<details> inputStream
<pre><code> Answer the stdin stream of the process. @see OsNativeProcess>>stdinStream comments for more details.
</code></pre> </details>
<details> isDetached
<pre><code> Answer true if this subprocess is running in detached mode, false otherwise. @see OsProcessStarter>>detached for a detailed description
</code></pre> </details>
<details> isVastSubprocess
<pre><code> Object check
<Boolean> true
</code></pre> </details>
<details> outputStream
<pre><code> Answer the stdout stream of the process. @see OsNativeProcess>>stdoutStream comments for more details.
</code></pre> </details>
<details> traceStream
<pre><code> Answer the newline separated tracing read stream. If tracing was not enabled, then this stream will be positioned at the end.
A 'trace' will capture information regarding the details
of how the subprocess was spawned, along with any
errors that may have occurred.

</code></pre> </details>
Last modified date: 07/07/2022