Abstract container class whose subclasses implement unicode encoding standards.
Collection class for associated view
Conversion to a UnicodeString
(#asUnicodeString, #asUnicodeString:)
(Utf32LE with: 16r1F600) asUnicodeString first name = 'GRINNING FACE'
Conversion to any other unicode encoding container class
(#asUtf8, #asUtf16, #asUtf16LE, #asUtf16BE, #asUtf32, #asUtf32LE, #asUtf32BE...)
(Utf32 with: 16r1F600) asUtf16BE asUtf32LE asUtf16LE asUtf8 asUtf32 = (Utf32 with: 16r1F600)
Validate content according to unicode encoding rules of the container class
Container class that can be iterated in code unit slot sizes
(<Utf8> is byte class, <Utf16> is word class, <Utf32> is long class)
16r1F600 asUnicodeString utf16 contents size = 2
Convert utf8 -> utf16BE -> utf32LE -> utf8
| utf8 |
utf8 := 'Smalltalk' utf8 contents asUtf16BE asUtf32LE asUtf8.
self assert: [utf8 asUnicodeString asSBString = 'Smalltalk']
Detect validity of UTF-16LE
"Valid UTF-16LE"
self assert: [(Utf16LE with: 16r97) isValid].
"Invalid UTF-16LE (Surrogate range)"
self assert: [(Utf16LE with: 16rD800) isInvalid].
Repair and convert invalid UTF-32BE to a UnicodeString
| invalidUtf32BE repairedUniStr |
invalidUtf32BE := Utf32BE with: 16rD834.
self assert: [invalidUtf32BE isInvalid].
repairedUniStr := invalidUtf32BE asUnicodeString: true..
self assert: [repairedUniStr size = 1 and: [repairedUniStr unicodeScalars first = UnicodeScalar replacementCharacter]]
Class Methods
Instance Methods
<details> asUnicodeString
Answer the receiver as a <UnicodeString> instance.
Do not repair invalid sequences, but instead raise
an exception.
<Exception> receiver with invalid content cannot be converted to unicode string
<details> asUnicodeString:
<pre><code> Answer the receiver as a <UnicodeString> instance. If @repair is true, then repair invalid encodings such that a valid unicode string can be created.
Repairing typically involves detecting invalid sequences and replacing with the unicode replacement character [UnicodeScalar replacementCharacter]
@see method comments in subclass overrides for examples.
Arguments: repair - <Boolean>
Answers: <UnicodeString> Raises: <Exception> if @repair is false and receiver contains invalid contents </code></pre> </details>
<details> asUtf16
Answer the receiver as a <Utf16> instance.
Do not repair invalid sequences, but instead raise
an exception.
<Exception> receiver with invalid content cannot be converted to utf16
<details> asUtf16:
<pre><code> Answer the receiver as a <Utf16> instance. If @repair is true, then repair invalid encoded elements such that a valid utf16 can be created.
Repairing typically involves detecting invalid sequences and replacing with the unicode replacement character [UnicodeScalar replacementCharacter]
Arguments: repair - <Boolean>
Answers: <Utf16> Raises: <Exception> if @repair is false and receiver contains invalid contents </code></pre> </details>
<details> asUtf16BE
Answer the receiver as a <Utf16BE> instance.
Do not repair invalid sequences, but instead raise
an exception.
<Exception> receiver with invalid content cannot be converted to utf16 big endian
<details> asUtf16BE:
<pre><code> Answer the receiver as a <Utf16BE> instance. If @repair is true, then repair invalid encoded elements such that a valid utf16 can be created.
Repairing typically involves detecting invalid sequences and replacing with the unicode replacement character [UnicodeScalar replacementCharacter]
Arguments: repair - <Boolean>
Answers: <Utf16BE> Raises: <Exception> if @repair is false and receiver contains invalid contents </code></pre> </details>
<details> asUtf16LE
Answer the receiver as a <Utf16LE> instance.
Do not repair invalid sequences, but instead raise
an exception.
<Exception> receiver with invalid content cannot be converted to utf16 little endian
<details> asUtf16LE:
<pre><code> Answer the receiver as a <Utf16LE> instance. If @repair is true, then repair invalid encoded elements such that a valid utf16 can be created.
Repairing typically involves detecting invalid sequences and replacing with the unicode replacement character [UnicodeScalar replacementCharacter]
Arguments: repair - <Boolean>
Answers: <Utf16LE> Raises: <Exception> if @repair is false and receiver contains invalid contents </code></pre> </details>
<details> asUtf32
Answer the receiver as a <Utf32> instance.
Do not repair invalid sequences, but instead raise
an exception.
<Exception> receiver with invalid content cannot be converted to utf32
<details> asUtf32:
<pre><code> Answer the receiver as a <Utf32> instance. If @repair is true, then repair invalid encoded elements such that a valid utf32 can be created.
Repairing typically involves detecting invalid sequences and replacing with the unicode replacement character [UnicodeScalar replacementCharacter]
Arguments: repair - <Boolean>
Answers: <Utf32> Raises: <Exception> if @repair is false and receiver contains invalid contents </code></pre> </details>
<details> asUtf32BE
Answer the receiver as a <Utf32BE> instance.
Do not repair invalid sequences, but instead raise
an exception.
<Exception> receiver with invalid content cannot be converted to utf32 big endian
<details> asUtf32BE:
Answer the receiver as a <Utf32BE> instance.
If @repair is true, then repair invalid encoded elements
such that a valid utf32 can be created.
Repairing typically involves detecting invalid sequences
and replacing with the unicode replacement character
[UnicodeScalar replacementCharacter]
repair - <Boolean>
<Exception> if @repair is false and receiver contains invalid contents
<details> asUtf32LE
Answer the receiver as a <Utf32LE> instance.
Do not repair invalid sequences, but instead raise
an exception.
<Exception> receiver with invalid content cannot be converted to utf32 little endian
<details> asUtf32LE:
<pre><code> Answer the receiver as a <Utf32LE> instance. If @repair is true, then repair invalid encoded elements such that a valid utf32 can be created.
Repairing typically involves detecting invalid sequences and replacing with the unicode replacement character [UnicodeScalar replacementCharacter]
Arguments: repair - <Boolean>
Answers: <Utf32LE> Raises: <Exception> if @repair is false and receiver contains invalid contents </code></pre> </details>
<details> asUtf8
Answer the receiver as a <Utf8> instance.
Do not repair invalid sequences, but instead raise
an exception.
<Exception> receiver with invalid content cannot be converted to utf8
<details> asUtf8:
<pre><code> Answer the receiver as a <Utf8> instance. If @repair is true, then repair invalid encoded elements such that a valid utf8 can be created.
Repairing typically involves detecting invalid sequences and replacing with the unicode replacement character [UnicodeScalar replacementCharacter]
Arguments: repair - <Boolean>
Answers: <Utf8> Raises: <Exception> if @repair is false and receiver contains invalid contents </code></pre> </details>
<details> isInvalid
Answer true if the content of the container is invalid according to
the rules of the encoding.
<Boolean> true if invalid, false if valid
<details> isValid
Answer true if the content of the container is valid according to
the rules of the encoding.
@see method comments in subclass overrides for examples.
<Boolean> true if valid, false if invalid
Last modified date: 01/18/2023