Programmer Reference : Common Widgets : Windows Common Controls
Windows Common Controls
The Widgets described in this section are only available on Windows. The Common Window Controls exposed in VA Smalltalk include
o CwDateTimePicker provides support for displaying and entering dates and times
o CwMonthCalendar visually represents a calendar
o CwProgressBar visually represents the progress of a lengthy operation
o CwRebar contains one or more bands; each band can contain a single widget. Interactions with the child widget can be sent to a listener such as the rebar or the application to which the rebar belongs.
o CwStatusBar is a horizontal window at the bottom of a parent window in which an application can display various kinds of status information.
o CwTabStrip is like a set of dividers in a notebook
o CwTrackBar provides a visual means of representing a value in a range of values
o CwTable provides a great looking widget for row and column data. It implements the Windows Table Control for a native Windows look.
o CwTreeView displays a hierarchical list of items
o CwToolBar contains one or more buttons which, when pressed, send a command to the parent window. These widgets are kinds of primitive or composite widgets.
Last modified date: 12/29/2023