Window attributes
allowShellResize (Boolean)
The allowShellResize attribute specifies that the window changes size when the contents of the window changes size.
This attribute is effective only when the window is created, and does not reset the window's size later.
autoUnmanage (Boolean)
The autoUnmanage attribute specifies whether any key pressed will dismiss the dialog window.
This attribute is no longer supported.
backgroundColor (String)
The backgroundColor attribute is the name of the RGB color for the background of the part.
The backgroundGraphicsDescriptor attribute is an icon, bitmap, or image that is used for the background of the part. The labelType attribute must be an icon, bitmap, or image or the backgroundGraphicsDescriptor attribute is ignored.
borderWidth (Integer)
The borderWidth attribute is the width of the border, specified in pixels, that surrounds the part on all four sides. A width of zero means that a border does not show.
On some platforms, the border width is limited to 1 pixel and any nonzero value is set to 1.
buttonFontName (String)
The buttonFontName attribute is the font used for the buttons in the part. If a font is not specified, the font specified on the textFontName attribute is used for the buttons in the part.
dialogBorder (Boolean)
The dialogBorder attribute specifies whether the part has a dialog border.
dragDropSpec (AbtDragDropSpec)
For more information on the dragDropSpec attribute, refer to Using the dragDropSpec attribute.
enabled (Boolean)
The enabled attribute specifies whether or not the part is available for selection. If true, the part's contents are available for selection.
foregroundColor (String)
The foregroundColor attribute is the name of the RGB color for the foreground of the part.
fractionBase (Integer)
The fractionBase attribute is the denominator used in the fraction to calculate the percentage for the proportional spacing. The default value is 100.
framingSpec (AbtViewAttachmentConstraint)
The framingSpec attribute represents the values specified for the edge specifications of the part. The edge specifications determine the width, height, and position of the part.
helpFile (String)
The helpFile attribute is the name of the help file associated with the part.
helpKeysId (String)
The helpKeysId attribute is the ID of the keys help associated with the part. The ID can be a string or an integer value.
The ID must exist in the help file associated with the part.
helpTitle (String)
The helpTitle attribute is the title of the help window associated with the part.
helpTopicId (String)
The helpTopicId attribute is the ID of the help topic associated with the part. The ID can be a string or an integer value.
The ID must exist in the help file associated with the part.
horizontalSpacing (Integer)
The horizontalSpacing attribute is the default horizontal space between the part and its children. The default value is 0.
hoverHelpDescriptor (AbtHoverHelpDescriptor)
The hoverHelpDescriptor attribute specifies how the hover help box will display graphically. There are also class methods to change the hoverHelpDescriptor attribute so an application can easily provide hover help preferences that affect all instances of hover help.
The hoverHelpDescriptor attribute has the following unique attributes to specify the characteristics of the hover help item:
activationDelay (Integer)
Specifies the activation delay when the pointer is initially positioned over a child part. When set to nil, the class method value is used. The default is nil.
horizontalLeftOffset (Integer)
Specifies the number of pixels that the left edge of the hover help is offset from the mouse pointer's position for a horizontally oriented tool bar. When set to nil, the class method value is used. The default is nil.
horizontalTopOffset (Integer)
Specifies the number of pixels that the top edge of the hover help is offset from the mouse pointer's position for a horizontally oriented tool bar. When set to nil, the class method value is used. The default is nil.
showHoverHelp (Boolean)
Specifies whether or not to display hover help. If you do not want hover help to display, set this attribute to false. When set to true, hover help will be displayed if the class method value is also set to true. The default is true.
verticalLeftOffset (Integer)
Specifies the number of pixels that the left edge of the hover help is offset from the mouse pointer's position for a vertically oriented tool bar. When set to nil, the class method value is used. The default is nil.
verticalTopOffset (Integer)
Specifies the number of pixels that the top edge of the hover help is offset from the mouse pointer's position for a vertically oriented tool bar. When set to nil, the class method value is used. The default is nil.
You can also specify the background color, foreground color, and font for the hover help, using those attributes.
hoverHelpEnabled (Boolean)
The hoverHelpEnabled attribute indicates whether you want hover help to be provided for this part and all of its children. The default is false.
icon (AbtGraphicsDescriptor)
The icon attribute represents the icon representing the window or the system menu icon.
iconic (Boolean)
The iconic attribute represents whether the window is in its icon state. If you set the iconic attribute to true, then the window appears in its icon state.
initWidgetSize (Rectangle)
The initWidgetSize attribute specifies the initial size of the part.
inputMethodEditor (Boolean)
The inputMethodEditor attribute specifies that an input method editor (IME) is used for input on a double-byte platform.
inputType (Integer)
The inputType attribute specifies the type of input in an input method editor (IME) on a double-byte platform. Valid values are:
labelFontName (String)
The labelFontName attribute is the font used for the labels of the part. If a font is not specified, the font specified on the textFontName attribute is used.
mappedWhenManaged (Boolean)
The mappedWhenManaged attribute specifies whether the part should be shown. If the part is currently shown, setting this attribute to false will hide the part. If the part is currently hidden, setting this attribute to true will show the part, if the parent part is shown.
marginHeight (Integer)
The marginHeight attribute is the amount of vertical space between the part and its children.
marginWidth (Integer)
The marginWidth attribute is the amount of horizontal space between the part and its children that are not attached.
maximizeButton (Boolean)
The maximizeButton attribute specifies whether the part has a maximize button.
menu (AbtCwMenuView)
The menu attribute is the menu part to use as the part's menu bar or pop-up menu.
minimizeButton (Boolean)
The minimizeButton attribute specifies whether the part has a minimize button.
resizePolicy (Integer)
The resizePolicy attribute specifies how the part is to be sized as children are added, removed, and otherwise manipulated in the part. The rule can be set using the constant values from the CwConstants pool dictionary as follows:
The part's horizontal and vertical size can be made larger or smaller.
The part's horizontal and vertical size can be made larger but not smaller.
The part cannot be resized.
romanInput (Boolean)
The romanInput attribute specifies roman input in an input method editor on a double-byte platform
rubberPositioning (Boolean)
The rubberPositioning attribute specifies whether child parts have their positions converted to proportional attachments.
If rubberPositioning is set to true, all children parts with no attachments on their top, bottom, left, or right, have their initial top and left positions converted to proportional attachments. If rubberPositioning is set to false, then the initial top and left positions are attached to the parent.
self (<className>)
For more information on the self attribute, refer to Using the self attribute.
shellDecorations (Integer)
The shellDecorations attribute specifies the decorations currently set on the shell. The resulting integer is the bitwise-OR of the values. This value determines whether to include a border, resize frame handles, title bar, window close/system menu, minimize button, or maximize button.
sizeBorder (Boolean)
The sizeBorder attribute specifies whether the part has a border that can be sized.
systemMenu (Boolean)
The systemMenu attribute specifies whether the part has a system menu.
textFontName (String)
The textFontName attribute is the font used for the child text parts of the part. If you do not specify a font using the buttonFontName or labelFontName attributes, the font specified on the textFontName attribute is used.
title (String)
The title attribute specifies the label displayed for the part. For example, the text for a window displays in the title bar, the text for a scale appears next to the scale, the text for an HTML page appears in the title bar of the Web browser, and the text for a report title appears in the report header.
titleBar (Boolean)
The titleBar attribute specifies whether the part has a title bar.
verticalSpacing (Integer)
The verticalSpacing attribute is the default vertical space between the part and its children.
wallpaperStyle (Integer)
The wallpaperStyle attribute specifies how you want the wallpaper images displayed. Possible values are:
Last modified date: 01/29/2015