Comparing methods used by two class editions
To compare the methods used by two editions of a class, do the following:
• Open a development browser, such as an Applications Browser. Select the class on which to browse changes.
• From the Classes menu, select Browse Changes > and then one of the following options:
Current Edition
Select this option to compare the class in your image to the same edition of the class in the library.
Previous Version
Select this option to compare the class in your image to the previous version in the library.
Another Edition
Select this option to compare the class in your image to another edition in the library. A window opens so you can select the edition.
• From the list of classes, select the class.
• From the list of methods, select the method whose editions you want to compare. The editions are displayed side-by-side in the description panes.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015