SocketCommunicationsInterface stanza
The [SocketCommunicationsInterface] stanza in the .INI file allows you to specify various customization parameters associated with TCP/IP communications.
Value type: Positive integer (64 – 65528)
Default value: 1024
Installation value: not specified
Setter: SciManager class>>fdSetSize:
Set the maximum number of entries possible in the file descriptor table to @number. Since each entry in the table is represented by a bit on some platforms, it makes the most sense for @number to be a multiple of 8, although this is not a requirement.
preferIPv6Addresses=true | false
Value type: Boolean
Default value: false
Installation value: not specified
Setter: SciManager class>>preferIPv6Addresses:
Indicate whether getNameinfo() should return the list of ipAddresses with IPv4 addresses before IPv6 addresses (false) or IPv6 addresses before IPv4 addresses (true).
Value type: Filename string
Default value: scitrace.log
Installation value: not specified
Setter: SciManager class>>defaultTraceFilename:
Set the name of the file where SCI logging will be written. It may be specified as either a relative (to the current working directory) or absolute disk location.
Value type: Positive integer (0-2)
Default value: 0
Installation value: not specified
Setter: SciManager class>>defaultTraceLevel:
Set detail level of tracing output. The valid values are:
o 0 – No tracing
o 1 – API call/return tracing
o 2 – API call/return tracing and detailed tracing (such as send/receive buffer content)
Last modified date: 08/30/2016