Checking prerequisites
The Prerequisites menu also offers choices that allow you to validate your choice of prerequisites. At this stage of making DevelopChooser, you do not need to validate prerequisites. However, after you finish coding the application, and before you package it, you should verify that your application has the correct prerequisites using one or more of the following choices on the Prerequisites menu:
For Linux (UNIX):
Before selecting the Compute Prerequisites menu choice, you might write down your application's current prerequisites. This choice can change the application's prerequisites, and you may want to return to the prerequisites that you earlier selected.
It also is advisable that you write down your application's current prerequisites if your application is complex or if it references classes using idioms which cannot be detected by static analysis, such as Smalltalk classAt: <class name> . Because the tools run by using the menu choices listed below cannot detect class names determined during runtime, use caution before deleting prerequisites based on the information returned by using these menu choices.
Thus, if your application uses visual parts, do not remove AbtViewApplication as a prerequisite. Using these menu choices might return information suggesting that AbtViewApplication is unnecessary because AbtViewApplication is not directly referenced in the application. AbtViewApplication is necessary to successfully package an application that uses visual parts.
Compute Prerequisites
This choice is enabled when an open edition of a single application which you own is selected. It computes the minimum set of prerequisites for the selected application, and displays a window showing the (assumed) required prerequisite(s) in the Immediate Prerequisites pane. Selecting OK makes the named immediate prerequisite(s) the last link(s) in your application's chain of prerequisites. Selecting Cancel leaves your application unchanged. If the selected application has multiple configuration lineups, you may be prompted to set prerequisites for each of the lineups.
The process of computing prerequisites restablishes minimum set of prerequisites required to load an application. Members of this set are called strict prerequisite
Explain Prerequisites
This choice is enabled when a single application is selected. It prints the following information to the System Transcript window:
o A list of the current prerequisites for the application
o A list of the (assumed) required prerequisites for the application
o A list of the mismatched prerequisites for the application (see Explain Mismatched Prerequisites below)
o A list of the (assumed) required prerequisites with a statement indicating that the prerequisite is needed because it is a subclass, a class extension, or a class reference
As mentioned above, if your application uses visual parts, do not remove AbtViewApplication as a prerequisite.
Explain Mismatched Prerequisites
This choice is enabled when a single application is selected. It prints the following information to the Transcript:
o A list of missing prerequisites with a statement indicating that the prerequisite is needed because it is a subclass, a class extension, or a class reference
o A list of extra prerequisites. A prerequisite is considered extra, or redundant, if it would be included by another prerequisite or if no reference from the selected application to the prerequisite can be found.
Explain Selected Prerequisites
This choice is enabled when one or more prerequisites of a single application are selected. For the selected prerequisites, the operation is identical to Explain Prerequisites above.
Last modified date: 05/19/2020