Generate Mapping Definitions
On the Generate Mapping Definitions page, specify generation options before generating the Smalltalk code necessary to complete the mapping. This page includes the following fields:
• Generate Smalltalk Required Mapping Information Method specifies whether Smalltalk mapping methods will be generated. You must select this option in order to complete the mapping operation.Application specifies the location where the Smalltalk mapping methods will be stored.
Select Browse to select from a list of available applications. (The default is to store the mapping methods in the same application as the mapped Smalltalk class.)
• Generate SST required methods specifies whether SST mapping methods will be generated. You must select this option in order to complete the mapping operation.
Application specifies the location where the SST mapping methods will be stored. Select Browse to select from a list of available applications. (The default is to store the mapping methods in the same application as the mapped SST class.)
• Generate report of activities to Transcript specifies whether to report activities in the System Transcript window.
When you have finished specifying generation options, select Finish to generate the mapping code and close the wizard.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015