Setting connection tracepoints and breakpoints
As mentioned previously, the Connection Trace Log starts with a default set of connection tracepoints and breakpoints. Once you are in the Connection Trace Log, you can change the initial tracepoints and breakpoints by selecting the Specified, All, or None radio buttons for Break on and Trace.
The set of breakpoints you define must be a subset of the set of tracepoints; in other words, all breakpoints must also be tracepoints. Using the radio button sets, five combinations are possible, as follows:
• Specified breakpoints and tracepoints
• Specified breakpoints and all tracepoints
• No breakpoints and specified tracepoints
• All breakpoints and tracepoints (the default)
• No breakpoints and all tracepoints
You can specify no breakpoints or tracepoints, but then no debugging information is displayed.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015