VA Smalltalk Windows Services Maintenance Utility command line parameters
The VA Smalltalk Windows Services Maintenance Utility (abtntsir.exe) supports the command line parameters listed below. All keyword parameters are case insensitive and can be specified with a dash (-) or a forward slash (/) as the keyword identifier. The keyword is separated from its argument (if it has one) by one or more spaces. If an argument contains spaces or special characters, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks ("). The first command line parameter must be either –install or –remove.
-install <serviceName>
Causes a VA Smalltalk application to be installed as a Windows Service using the information provided in the other command line parameters.
-remove <serviceName>
Causes a VA Smalltalk application to be uninstalled as a Windows Service.
-srvDisplayName <serviceDisplayName>
Provides a name to display in the Services list in the Windows Services window. If this parameter is not specified, the service name is used as the display name.
-srvExeName <startupExeName>
Provides the name of the executable used to start the VA Smalltalk application. If this parameter is not specified, abtntsrv.exe is used as the startup executable name.
-srvWorkingDir <serviceWorkingDirectory>
Specifies the working directory for the VA Smalltalk Windows Service application. The working directory is where the image (<serviceName>.icx), the image configuration file (<serviceName>.ini), and other files needed by the application reside. If this parameter is not specified, the directory from which abtntsir.exe is run is used as the working directory.
Enables debugging code which logs significant events to file abtntsrv.log. The log file is created in the directory where the main program starts.
When your service application is registered with the Windows Service Control Manager, you can use additional command line parameters. The generated parameters are:
• -i<serviceName>.icx
• -l<serviceName>.log
• -srvName <serviceName>
• -srvWorkingDir <installing executable directory> (if not specified)
Also, all other command line parameters (Smalltalk- or application-specific) provided in conjunction with -install are appended to the generated parameters.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015