Building the part
As with any part, the first step is to define a new visual part class. Select MyRunSamplePartsApp in the Organizer window, and then from the Parts menu select New > Part. Type MyShape as the class name, and type AbtDrawingAreaView as the class to inherit from. Select OK. The Script Editor will open on the MyShape class.
We chose to subclass the drawing area part for several reasons:
• First, drawing area parts already have many of the attributes, actions, and events that you might like to have for the shape part. For example, they already have foreground and background colors, borders, and other attributes.
• Conversely, drawing area parts have very simple behavior, so you won't have to override lots of methods to disable behavior that you don't want for the shape part.
• Finally, because parts can be placed inside a drawing area, the shape part will also be able to contain other parts.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015