Promoting the features to the public interface
Next, select Promote Part Feature from the Customer information push button's pop-up menu. In the window displayed, select clicked from the events list, type customerInfoClicked in the Promote feature name field, and then select Promote and OK. This adds the clicked event of the Customer information menu choice to the public interface of your nonvisual part, with the name customerInfoClicked.
Promote the clicked event of the rest of the push button parts in the same way, using an appropriate Promote feature name for each one. If you included the toggle button menu choices in your menu structure, promote the selectionChanged event of the toggle button parts to the public interface.
To promote the self attribute of the menu part that represents the menu bar, switch to the Public Interface Editor and go to the Promote page. On the Promote page, specify the the following, and then select Add.
• In the Promote feature name field type menuBar.
• Select the menu bar part name from the Subpart name drop-down list.
• Select attribute from the Feature type drop-down list.
• Select self from the Promotable feature drop-down list.
You have now finished creating a reusable menu part. Save your part.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015