Adding the initial page
From the pop-up menu of the notebook, select Add Page. Notice that Before Top Page and After Top Page are disabled on the cascaded menu. Unlike the OS/2 - Windows Notebook, for the PM Notebook and the Windows Notebook you cannot add the initial notebook page using the notebook's pop-up menu.
To add the initial page to the PM Notebook, select Notebook Page on the parts palette and drop it on the notebook.
Open the settings for the page you just added. Select the tabLabel property and enter the textual value Account. Notice that for this property you can, alternatively, select a graphic symbol for the tab's label.
For the pageLabel property, type in Account Summary.
Next, look at the tabType property. Notice that you can select whether a page will have--
• A major tab, which is always visible (XmMAJOR)
• A minor tab, which is only visible when the major tab that precedes it is selected (XmMINOR)
• None, which means the page will have no tab (XmNONE).
For this page, select XmMAJOR and then select OK to save the settings.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015