Changing the orientation
When working with PM Notebook parts you can choose the orientation of the tabs and the style of the notebook's binding.
Open the settings for the notebook. Notice that there are three styles of binding type available through the bindingType property:
• Solid (XmSOLID)
• Spiral (XmSPIRAL)
• None (XmNONE)
These binding styles can be chosen regardless of orientation.
The orientation property is used to select where the tabs are positioned on the notebook. Select the XmVERTICAL orientation, which situates the tabs on the top, and then select Apply. Move the settings window so your notebook is visible. It should now have the major tabs on the top and the minor tabs on the right. Try some different orientations and binding styles by selecting the style and then selecting Apply. Select Cancel when you finish experimenting. Your notebook should have the major tabs on the right and be using the spiral binding.
Your PM Notebook is now complete. Save the part and close the Composition Editor window.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015