XML File Generation
The web service interface is defined by a set of XML files. Before generating the WSDL files and the deployment descriptor, note that any method to be exposed as a web service must be placed in the method category
@WS-API since the generation tool looks for the API to be in that category. This is done by executing the code found in Appendix A:
Xml and Wsdl File Generation..
The tool overwrites any existing file. The files generated are:
• SstWSInsurancePolicyInterface.xml
• SstWSInsurancePolicyInterface.wsdl
• SstWSInsurancePolicyInterface-interface.wsdl
These files will be created in the VA Smalltalk default web services resource directory, which is generally <vas>/xml directory where <vas> is the VA Smalltalk installation directory.
The file ‘SstWSInsurancePolicyInterface.wsdl’ uses ‘vasthost’ in the URL locating the web servlet. If you do not want to change your hosts file. You must change vasthost to the IP address of the machine on which the server image resides.
If the client and the server images do not share the same resource directory (as is the case for different major versions of the product,) the client and server images will each need a copy of the files generated in their respective <vas>/xml directories.
Last modified date: 04/21/2020