Setting up a table
There are two ways to set up a Table part on your page:
• Manually building the table by adding Table Column parts and editing their settings
• Automatically building the table by using the Quick HTML menu choice
In most situations, Quick HTML is the fastest and easiest way to build a table to display the results of a database query.
In order to use the #selectionType attribute of an HTML Table Colunm, you must place its HTML Table in an HTML Form rather than directly into an HTML Page. If you drop the table directly in the HTML page and add a column to the table, the #selectionType attribute for the table column contains the following selections in the properties table:
"<Error: No Form - Multiple Select>"
"<Error: No Form - Single Select>"
These messages are a bit confusing. The #selectionType attribute is only valid for tables that are dropped onto an Html Form part.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015