Server configuration file format
The server configuration files specified by the -wc:fileName command-line argument must adhere to the following format:
• Blank lines are ignored.
• Any text beginning with a # character, continuing through the end of the line, is ignored.
• Each line consists of a key-value pair, where the first nonblank word is they key and the rest of the nonblank text is the value.
• The following are the valid keys and their valid values:
The TCP/IP port number to start the server on. Required.
true or false, indicating whether to reuse the port if it is already in use. Optional; the default is false.
The name of the interface to bind the server socket to. Optional; the default is the bind to all available interfaces.
true or false, indicates whether the Web Server Monitor window is displayed in the packaged image. The default is false.
The name of a specific image. This is useful for installations where multiple Web Connection images will run concurrently. Set the monitorTitle to a string that uniquely identifies the image. This allows multiple monitors to open.
true or false, indicates whether to generate a walkback.log file if there is an error in the pacakged image. The default is false.
Specifies a password to be used with the AbtWebWsiRemoteControlPage.
Starting an xml-tcp transport from a configuration file
To start an xml-tcp transport from a confiugration file, you must specify a handlerClassName. The format of the configuration file for xml-tcp is as follows:
transport xml-tcp
port 8081
showMonitor true
handlerClassName AbtXmlWsiHandler
monitorTitle Show me the money!
generateWalkback true
Last modified date: 01/29/2015