Example: a composite extended widget
The CewTitleFrame widget draws a rounded-corner rectangle around its single child, and displays its title in the upper-left portion of the rectangle. This widget is similar to CwFrame, and, like CwFrame, does not support any special callbacks. Its purpose is to provide decoration, not interactive behavior.
The extended widget is implemented using a
CwDrawingArea for the primary widget, with an expose callback to draw the frame and title, and a resize callback to make sure the child always fits inside the frame.

CwExtendedComposite subclass: #CewTitleFrame
instanceVariableNames: 'title borderInset childInset radius angles gc
lineSegments arcOrigins'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
createPrimaryWidget: theName parent: parent argBlock: argBlock
"Private - Create and answer the basic widget that is the root of
the widget hierarchy for the receiver's widget system."
createDrawingArea: theName , 'DrawingArea'
argBlock: argBlock
"Private - Perform any private widget-specific state initialization. This is sent
before any other initialization begins. borderInset, radius, and angles are needed
for drawing the frame. lineSegments is set to nil to ensure that the lineSegments
and arcOrigins collections are calculated on first expose. childInset used to size
child in resize callback."
radius: 15;
angles: #(90 0 270 180);
borderInset: (CgFontStruct default height) // 2 + 4;
childInset: self borderInset * 2.
"Private - Set the default extended widget resource values. This is sent during
create with isCreated set to false. All extended resource variables should be
initialized to default values here."
title := String new.
"Private - Perform any widget-specific post-create initialization."
self primaryWidget
marginHeight: self childInset;
marginWidth: self childInset;
addCallback: XmNexposeCallback
receiver: self
selector: #expose:clientData:callData:
clientData: nil;
addCallback: XmNresizeCallback
receiver: self
selector: #resize:clientData:callData:
clientData: nil.
"Answer the value of the title resource.
Resource type: String
Default setting: ''
Resource access: CSG
Specifies the string for the CewTitleFrame's title.
This title is displayed in the upper left portion of the
rounded-corner rectangle that frames the child widget."
title: resourceValue
"Set the value of the title resource to resourceValue.
Resource type: String
Default setting: ''
Resource access: CSG
Specifies the string for the CewTitleFrame's title.
This title is displayed in the upper left portion of the
rounded-corner rectangle that frames the child widget."
title := resourceValue.
"Private - Answer the value of borderInset."
borderInset: anInteger
"Private - Set the value of borderInset to anInteger."
borderInset := anInteger.
"Private - Answer the value of childInset."
childInset: anInteger
"Private - Set the value of childInset to anInteger."
childInset := anInteger.
"Private - Answer the value of radius."
radius: anInteger
"Private - Set the value of radius to anInteger."
radius := anInteger.
"Private - Answer the value of angles."
angles: anArray
"Private - Set the value of angles to anArray."
angles := anArray.
"Private - Answer the value of lineSegments."
lineSegments: anOrderedCollection
"Private - Set the value of lineSegments to anOrderedCollection."
lineSegments := anOrderedCollection.
"Private - Answer the value of arcOrigins."
arcOrigins: anArray
"Private - Set the value of arcOrigins to anArray."
arcOrigins := anArray.
"Private - Answer the value of gc. Create if not already created."
gc isNil
ifTrue: [self initializeGraphics].
gc: aCgGC
"Private - Set the value of gc to aCgGC."
gc := aCgGC
"Private - Set the receiver's palette and create a GC. This method is called
by the #gc method if gc is nil."
| pw colors |
pw := self primaryWidget.
colors := Array
with: pw backgroundColor "pixel 0"
with: pw foregroundColor. "pixel 1"
"The palette must be set on the shell window."
pw shell window
setPalette: (CgIndexedPalette colors: colors).
self gc: (pw window
createGC: GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont
values: (CgGCValues new
background: 0;
foreground: 1;
font: pw display defaultFont)).
"Private - Calculate the line segments and arc origins to draw the frame around
the child widget at the current size."
| border offset diam width height |
border := self borderInset.
offset := border + self radius.
diam := self radius * 2.
width := self width.
height := self height.
self lineSegments: (OrderedCollection new
add: (CgSegment
point1: offset @ border
point2: (width - offset) @ border);
add: (CgSegment
point1: (width - border) @ offset
point2: (width - border) @ (height - offset));
add: (CgSegment
point1: (width - offset) @ (height - border)
point2: offset @ (height - border));
add: (CgSegment
point1: border @ (height - offset)
point2: border @ offset)).
self arcOrigins: (Array
with: (border @ border)
with: (width - (diam + border)) @ border
with: (width @ height) - (diam + border)
with: border @ (height - (diam + border))).
expose: widget clientData: clientData callData: callData
"Private - Process an expose callback for the primary widget by
drawing the rounded-corner rectangle frame and title."
| border offset diam |
border := self borderInset.
offset := border + self radius.
diam := self radius * 2.
self lineSegments isNil
ifTrue: self recalculateSegmentsAndArcs].
widget window
drawSegments: self gc segments: self lineSegments.
self arcOrigins
with: self angles do: [:p :angle |
widget window
drawArc: self gc
x: p x
y: p y
width: diam
height: diam
angle1: 64 * angle
angle2: 64 * 90].
widget window
drawImageString: self gc
x: offset + 20
y: border + (widget display defaultFontStruct ascent // 2)
string: ' ' , self title , ' '.
resize: widget clientData: clientData callData: callData
"Private - Process a resize callback for the primary widget by
resizing the primary widget's child to fit inside the frame."
| child offset |
(child := widget children) notEmpty
offset := self childInset * 2.
child first
resizeWidget: self width - offset
height: self height - offset
borderWidth: child first borderWidth ].
"Force a recalculation of line segments and arc origin based on the new size.
Recalculation will occur at next expose."
self lineSegments: nil.
"Clear the widget and force an expose event."
widget window clearArea: 0 y: 0 width: 0 height: 0 exposures: true.
Using the CewTitleFrame composite extended widget
The following code creates a
CewTitleFrame instance with a radio-box child (a
CwRowColumn with
radioBehaviour set to
true). The radio box then creates two
CwToggleButton children. This is shown in the diagram at the beginning of this section, on page
Example: a composite extended widget.
| shell titleFrame radioBox |
shell := CwTopLevelShell
createApplicationShell: 'CewTitleFrame Test'
argBlock: nil.
titleFrame := CewTitleFrame
createManagedWidget: 'titleFrame'
parent: shell
argBlock: :w | w title: 'Direction'].
(radioBox := titleFrame
createRadioBox: 'radio'
argBlock: nil)
createToggleButton: 'Up'
argBlock: [:w | w set: true])
createToggleButton: 'Down'
argBlock: nil)
shell realizeWidget