Report Viewer events
The Report Preview part has the following events associated with it:
The aboutToCloseWidget event signals that the part is about to be closed.
If you need to perform any actions just before the window closes, connect the aboutToCloseWidget event of the Window part to an action in your part.
The aboutToOpenWidget event signals that the part is about to be opened. This event is signaled just before the part is displayed on the screen.
If you need to perform any actions just before the window opens, connect the aboutToOpenWidget event of the Window part to an action in your part.
The closedWidget event signals that the part has been closed.
The destroyedPart event signals that the part and its children have been destroyed. Any system resources associated with the destroyed parts have been released.
The helpRequested event signals that help has been requested. You can connect the helpRequested event to an action that displays your own help, such as a message box. If the action you connect this event to does not return nil, default help processing occurs, using the specified help file and help topic.
The openedWidget event signals that the part has been opened and displayed on the screen.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015