CGI Link Session Data
Use the CGI Link Session Data part to store session-specific information related to your application across multiple CGI requests. CGI Link Session Data can store any kind of Smalltalk object and persists across multiple requests.
To add a CGI Link Session Data part, select the Web Connection Category (

), then the CGI Link Session Data part (

). You can also add the part using the Add Part dialog and specifying the class name,
CGI Link Session Data Properties
The CGI Link Session Data part has the following properties:
Use the lifeTimeSeconds property to specify the number of seconds that the object is maintained by the server.
In the Part name field, type the name you want to use to describe the part. For non-visual parts, this text appears under the icon for the part on the free-form surface.
The name of the part can consist of alphanumeric characters, and must be unique from all other parts on the layout surface.
This field is optional. If you do not specify a part name, VA Smalltalk generates a unique name based on the class name of the part.
Use the valueClass property to specify the data type of the information stored in the part. You can specify any valid Smalltalk class.
For example, the valueClass might be OrderedCollection or Dictionary.
Last modified date: 06/24/2018