Use the Page part to add an HTML page that contains the other HTML parts. This part generates the following HTML elements: html, title, and optionally body.
To add a Page part, select the Web Connection Category (

), then the Page part (

). You can also add the part using the Add Part dialog and specifying the class name,
Page Properties
The Page part has the following properties:
Use the activeLinkColor property to specify the color of active links.
Use the backgroundColor property to set the background color of the page.
Use the backgroundImage property to specify the image you want to use at run time for the background, or wallpaper, of the page. You can specify any image file that is supported by the Web browser used at run time, provided the image is in a location accessible to the browser.
This property is equivalent to the background attribute of the HTML body element.
Use the backgroundImageFile property to specify the file containing the graphic you want to use for the page background at edit time. You can use any graphic file type supported by VA Smalltalk.
The backgroundImageFile property affects only the appearance of the page in the Composition Editor at edit time. It has no effect on the generated HTML and will not cause a graphic to appear in Web browsers at run time. In order to display a runtime graphic, you must specify a location for a graphic using the backgroundImage property.
Use the eventHandlers property to define any event handlers for this part. Event handlers provide the ability to detect and react to events that occur while an HtmlPage is loaded in a Web browser. An example of an event handler is mouse over, where you can specify when the mouse moves over an HTML element, something happens, usually a JavaScript is executed..
Use the extraAttributes property to specify any additional HTML attributes that you want included in the HTML tagging generated by the part. You can use this property to include HTML attributes that are not directly supported by VA Smalltalk.
Use the generateBodyElement property to specify whether you want to includes the body element within the HTML generated by the page. The body element delimits the actual content of the page, separating it from the header information such as the title element.
Use the linkColor property to specify the color of linked text on the page.
This property is equivalent to the link attribute of the HTML body element.
Use the metaTagArea to specify content for and include a meta tag in the header of your HTML Page or Frame Set Page. The HTML meta tag is used to specify keywords or descriptions that are used by some search engines. These tags allow you to exert some level of control over how your site is represented by the search engines that read meta tag data.
In the Part name field, type the name you want to use to describe the part. For non-visual parts, this text appears under the icon for the part on the free-form surface.
The name of the part can consist of alphanumeric characters, and must be unique from all other parts on the layout surface.
This field is optional. If you do not specify a part name, VA Smalltalk generates a unique name based on the class name of the part.
Use the scripts property to specify code to be used on the HtmlPage. The script is included in the header of the generated HTML page.
Use the styleSheets property to specify styles to be included in the header of the generated HTML page.
Use the textColor property to specify the color of the text on the page.
This property is equivalent to the text attribute of the HTML body element.
Use the title property to specify the title of the page. The title appears in the title bar of the Web browser at run time.
Use the visitedLinkColor property to specify the text color of links the user has previously selected.
This attribute is equivalent to the vlink attribute of the HTML body tag.
Last modified date: 06/24/2018