New Part
Use the
New Part window to add a new part to an application.
Push buttons
Select OK to create the specified part.
Select Cancel to close the New Part window without creating the part.
Opening the New Part window
To open the New Part window, do any of the following:

•From the basic Parts menu, select New.
•From the full Parts menu, select New > Part.
Part class
Use the Part class field to name your new part. The name must be begin with a capital letter and contain no spaces. Also, no other class in your image can have the same name.
Part type
Use the Part type drop-down list to select the type of part. You can always select one of these types:
Visual part
Select Visual part for a user interface (or view).
Nonvisual part
Select Nonvisual part for a part that does not have a view, but contains scripts or other function used by your application.
Smalltalk class
Select Smalltalk class to subclass a Smalltalk class such as Object or String.
If you have the Database and Reports features loaded, you can also select one of these types:
Database access set
Select Database access set for a class that stores database query and stored procedure definitions.
Report part
Select Report part for a part that enables you to lay out reports such as accounting forms.
Inherits from
Use the Inherits from drop-down list to select the class from which your part will inherit. A part inherits all attributes and scripts of its parent class. Through this inheritance, a part reuses existing code.
Open now
Use the Open now field to designate whether a VA Smalltalk editor opens on the new part once it is made. To open an editor on the new part, keep the check mark beside Open now. To make the part and not work on it immediately, deselect the check box.
Last modified date: 02/28/2018