Quick Start
To produce software in VA Smalltalk, you begin by making a "shell" application to hold your work and adding a part class to it. You then program in one of VA Smalltalk's editors opened on the part class.
Use the
Quick Start window to get working with VA Smalltalk fast.
Push buttons
Select OK to perform the specified action.
Select Cancel to close the Quick Start window without performing any specified action.
Opening Quick Start
To open the Quick Start window, do either of the following:
•From the Tools menu, select Quick Start.
Create a new part
Use the Create a new part field to create a new application or a part class to go into the application.
If you are creating an application and a part, name the application and part in the given fields. The names must begin with a capital letter, contain no spaces, and be unique within your image.
If you are adding a part to an application already in your image, in the Application name field, select the application from the drop-down list or type in its name. And, in the Part class field, name the part.
To add a part, the containing application must be an edition.
Continue working with a part
Use the Continue working with a part field to open a VA Smalltalk editor on the part in your image. If the part you specify is a visual part, a Composition Editor opens on the part. If the part is nonvisual or a Smalltalk class, a Script Editor opens on the part.
The Part class drop-down list contains the parts in your image on which you can work. You can select a part from the list, or name the part in the text field.
To work on a part, the part's containing application and the part itself must editions.
Go to the Organizer
Use the Go to the Organizer field to close the Quick Start window and activate the Organizer window. In the Organizer window, you can make, change, and delete applications and parts, and perform many other functions.
Putting a check mark beside Show this window at startup, displays the Organizer and Quick Start windows when VA Smalltalk starts.
Adding parts
The Quick Start window offers a fast way to make an application and part class. To make an application and add a part to it, do the following:
1. Select Create a new part.
2. In the Application name field, name your application. You can use the default name shown, though you will likely want to give it a different name. The name must begin with a capital letter, have no spaces in it, and be unique.
3. In the Part class field, name your part. As with naming an application, give a part class name that begins with a capital letter, has no spaces, and is unique.
4. Select OK.
After you select OK, the Quick Start window closes and VA Smalltalk adds the application and part to the Organizer window. Then, VA Smalltalk opens an editor on the part so you can get working on it.
Returning to an existing part
An application can contain many parts. You can add parts to an edition of an application that you've made or for which you're a group member. To add a part in the Quick Start window, do the following:
5. Select Create a new part.
6. From the Application name drop-down list, select the application that will contain the part.
Click on

to see what's in the drop-down list. If the application is not in the list, type its name in the text pane.
7. In the Part class field, name your part.
8. Select OK.
After you select OK, the Quick Start window closes and VA Smalltalk adds the part to the application. Then, VA Smalltalk opens an editor on the part.
Opening an editor on a part
To open a VA Smalltalk editor on a part:
1. Select Continue working with a part.
2. From the Part class drop-down list, select the part you want.
If the part is not in the list, type its name in the text pane.
3. Select OK.
Going to the Organizer
If you need VA Smalltalk functions that aren't available in the Quick Start window, go to the Organizer window.
Select Go to the Organizer.
Then, select OK.
From the Organizer, you can work with all applications in the product and access all windows in VA Smalltalk.
If, in the future, you want to work only in the Organizer and not see the Quick Start window when starting VA Smalltalk, deselect Show this window at startup before you select OK.