Use the Division part to create an HTML <DIV> tag. HTML divisions divides your document into separate distinct sections and enables the creation of dynamic web content.
To add a Division part, select the Web Connection Category (

), then the Division part (

). You can also add the part using the Add Part dialog and specifying the class name,
Division Properties
The Division part has the following properties:
Use the align property to specify how you want the content in the division to be aligned. You can select any of the following values from the drop-down list:
In addition, you can specify an alignment by typing the appropriate string directly into the field. Do this if you want to specify a special alignment supported by your browser but not directly supported by VA Smalltalk. VA Smalltalk will use the specified alignment string when generating HTML at run time, but will use its default alignment at edit time.
This property is equivalent to the align attribute of the appropriate HTML element.
Use the class property to apply the class of a predefined style to the contents of this division. The value of the class property is the name of a style defined in a document or external style sheet.
Use the eventHandlers property to define any event handlers for this part. Event handlers provide the ability to detect and react to events that occur while an HtmlPage is loaded in a Web browser. An example of an event handler is mouse over, where you can specify when the mouse moves over an HTML element, something happens, usually a JavaScript is executed..
Use the extraAttributes property to specify any additional HTML attributes that you want included in the HTML tagging generated by the part. You can use this property to include HTML attributes that are not directly supported by VA Smalltalk.
In the Part name field, type the name you want to use to describe the part. For non-visual parts, this text appears under the icon for the part on the free-form surface.
The name of the part can consist of alphanumeric characters, and must be unique from all other parts on the layout surface.
This field is optional. If you do not specify a part name, VA Smalltalk generates a unique name based on the class name of the part.
Use the style property to create an inline style for the contents of this division.
Last modified date: 06/24/2018