Table Column
Use the Table Column part to add a column to an Table part. This part generates the appropriate HTML tr and td elements.
To add a Table Column part, select the Web Connection Category (

), then the Table Column part (

). You can also add the part using the Add Part dialog and specifying the class name,
Table Column Properties
The Table Column part has the following properties:
Use the attributeName property to specify which attribute of the objects in the collection should be displayed in the part.
Use the containsFormElements property to indicate whether or not the table column is a selection column or a regular table column. If you are going to use the Column as a selection column, the Table part must be inside a Form part. Specify false if the column is not a selection colunm. Specify true if the column is a selection column.
Use the converter property to specify the converter to use for the part. A converter is an object that manages the conversion of other objects to and from their display format for certain visual parts, such as a Text part.
Use the eventHandlers property to define any event handlers for this part. Event handlers provide the ability to detect and react to events that occur while an HtmlPage is loaded in a Web browser. An example of an event handler is mouse over, where you can specify when the mouse moves over an HTML element, something happens, usually a JavaScript is executed..
Use the extraAttributes property to specify any additional HTML attributes that you want included in the HTML tagging generated by the part. You can use this property to include HTML attributes that are not directly supported by VA Smalltalk.
Use the heading property to specify the heading to be displayed at the top of the column. The height of the heading is determined by the maximum height of all column headings.
Use the horizontalAlignment property to specify how the information in the data cell is aligned horizontally. Valid values are:
•<Default> (browser default)
In addition, you can specify other alignments supported by your browser by typing the appropriate string directly into the field.
This property is equivalent to the align attribute of the HTML td tag.
Use the literal property to indicate whether the text of the part is to be passed to the Web browser exactly as you typed it. Set literal to true if you want to include HTML tagging in the text. The Web browser must be able to interpret and display the text at run time.
Use this property if you want to use HTML tagging that is not directly supported by VA Smalltalk.
At edit time, literal text is displayed in a monospaced font by default. You can specify a different font using the Preferences window.
In the Part name field, type the name you want to use to describe the part. For non-visual parts, this text appears under the icon for the part on the free-form surface.
The name of the part can consist of alphanumeric characters, and must be unique from all other parts on the layout surface.
This field is optional. If you do not specify a part name, VA Smalltalk generates a unique name based on the class name of the part.
Use the selectedItems property to specify the items that appear selected in a multiple selection part when the part is rendered in a Web browser.
Use the selectionStyle property to make selection columns in a table. When you set selectionStyle to multipleSelect, each row in the column is prefixed with a checkbox. If you set selectionStyle to singleSelect, each row in the column is prefixed with a radio button.
Use the verticalAlignment property to specify how the material in the data cell is aligned vertically. Valid values are:
•<Default> (browser default)
In addition, you can specify other alignments supported by your browser by typing the appropriate string directly into the field.
This property is equivalent to the valign attribute of the HTML td tag.
Last modified date: 09/18/2019