Creating and accessing tables
The following examples illustrate how to create a table named PEOPLE, which store the name, address, and phone number of a customer. This example contains three blocks of code:
• The first snippet creates a CLI connection to a local DB2 database. Modify the code for other databases in the following manner:
a. Oracle
1. Change #AbtIbmCliDatabaseManager to #AbtOracle10DatabaseManager
2. Change ‘SAMPLE’ to ‘’
1. Change #AbtIbmCliDatabaseManager to #AbtOdbcDatabaseManager
2. Change ‘SAMPLE’ to the name of your ODBC connection to the SAMPLE database
c. SQlite
1. Change #AbtIbmCliDatabaseManager to #AbtSQLiteDatabaseManager
• The second snippet shows how to create the PEOPLE table for all supported databases.
• The third snippet shows how to return the names of all columns in the PEOPLE table for all supported databases.
"Snippet #1: Execute the code to Establish a connection to the database"
(AbtDatabaseConnectionSpec forDbmClass: AbtIbmCliDatabaseManager
databaseName: 'SAMPLE') connectUsingAlias: 'SampleConSpec'
logonSpec: (AbtDatabaseLogonSpec new
id: 'userid';
password: 'password';
server: '').
"Snippet #2: Execute the code to Create a table in the current database"
| sqlDef table connection |
sqlDef := '(NAME varchar(30) NOT NULL,',
' STREET varchar(20),',
' CITY varchar(20),',
' STATE varchar(2),',
' ZIPCODE int,',
' PHONE varchar(13))'.
connection := AbtDbmSystem activeDatabaseConnectionWithAlias: 'SampleConSpec'.
table := connection createTableNamed: 'PEOPLE' definition: sqlDef.
"Snippet #3: Display the code to view column names"
| connection |
connection := AbtDbmSystem activeDatabaseConnectionWithAlias: 'SampleConSpec'.
(connection openTableNamed: 'PEOPLE')
Last modified date: 01/29/2015