A controller for exposing a new <EsStreamChannel>.
This exposes two connected <EsStreamChannel>s, local and foreign. The user's code should use local to emit and receive events. Then foreigncan be returned for others to use.
Instance State
to send and receive events.
communicate with local
Class Methods
<details> allowForeignErrors:
<pre><code> Creates a <EsStreamChannelController>.
If @allowForeignErrors is `false`, errors are not allowed to be passed to
the foreign channel's sink. If any are, the connection will close and the
error will be forwarded to the foreign channel's [EsStreamSink done] future.
This guarantees that the local stream will never emit errors.
allowForeignErrors - <Boolean>
</code></pre> </details>
<details> new
<pre><code> Creates a <EsStreamChannelController>.
</code></pre> </details>
<details> sync:
<pre><code> Creates a <EsStreamChannelController>.
If @sync is true, events added to either channel's sink are synchronously
dispatched to the other channel's stream. This should only be done if the
source of those events is already asynchronous.
sync - <Boolean>
</code></pre> </details>
<details> sync:allowForeignErrors:
<pre><code> Creates a <EsStreamChannelController>.
If @sync is true, events added to either channel's sink are synchronously
dispatched to the other channel's stream. This should only be done if the
source of those events is already asynchronous.
If @allowForeignErrors is `false`, errors are not allowed to be passed to
the foreign channel's sink. If any are, the connection will close and the
error will be forwarded to the foreign channel's [EsStreamSink done] future.
This guarantees that the local stream will never emit errors.
sync - <Boolean>
allowForeignErrors - <Boolean>
</code></pre> </details>
Instance Methods
<details> foreign
<details> local
Last modified date: 04/21/2022