A channel where the source and destination are provided later.
The channel is a normal channel that can be listened to and that events can be added to immediately, but until #setChannel: is called it won't emit any events and all events added to it will be buffered.
Instance State
  • streamPromise: <EsStreamPromise> The promise for this channel's stream
  • sinkPromise: <EsStreamSinkPromise> The promise for this channel's sink
  • channel: The channel for this promise set - Whether #setChannel: has been called
Class Methods
<details> fromFuture:
<pre><code> Convert an <EsFuture> that completes with an <EsStreamChannel> to an <EsStreamChannel>
This creates a channel using a channel promise, and sets the source
channel to the result of the future when the future completes.

If the future completes with an error, the returned channel's stream will
instead contain just that error. The sink will silently discard all

channelFuture - <EsFuture> that completes with an <EsStreamChannel>
</code></pre> </details>
<details> new
<pre><code> Answer a new init instance of this stream channel promise
</code></pre> </details>
Instance Methods
<details> channel
<pre><code> The channel for this promise.
</code></pre> </details>
<details> setChannel:
<pre><code> Set a channel as the source and destination for @aChannel.
A channel may be set at most once.

Either #setChannel: or #setError: may be called at most once. Trying to
call either of them again will fail.

aChannel - <EsStreamChannel>
</code></pre> </details>
<details> setError:
<pre><code> Indicates that there was an error connecting the channel.
This makes the stream emit @anError and close. It makes the sink discard
all its events.

Either #setChannel: or #setError: may be called at most once. Trying to
call either of them again will fail.

error - <Object>
</code></pre> </details>
<details> setError:stackTrace:
<pre><code> Indicates that there was an error connecting the channel.
This makes the stream emit @error and close. It makes the sink discard
all its events.

Either #setChannel: or #setError: may be called at most once. Trying to
call either of them again will fail.

error - <Object>
stackTrace - <EsAsyncStackTrace>
</code></pre> </details>
Last modified date: 04/21/2022