An implementation base class for an <EsStreamController> controls a stream that only supports a single controller.
Instance State
  • state: `<Integer>' Current state of the controller
  • onListen: `<Block>' 0-arg, no expected return type. Could be nil
  • onCancel: `<Block>' 0-arg, answers EsFuture. Could be nil
  • onPause: `<Block>' 0-arg, no expected return type. Could be nil
  • onResume: `<Block>' 0-arg, no expected return type. Could be nil
  • doneFuture: `<EsFuture>' Future completed when the stream sends its last event.
  • varData: `<Object>' or nil. Field containing different data depending on the current subscription state.
If state is EsStateInitial, the field may contain an <EsPendingEvents>' for events added to the controller before a
subscription. While
state is EsStateSubscribed, the field contains the subscription. When state is EsStateCanceled
the field is currently not used, and will contain
Class Methods
<details> onListen:onPause:onResume:onCancel:
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Instance Methods
<details> add:
  Send or enqueue a data event.
<details> addError:stackTrace:
  Send or enqueue a data event.
<details> addStream:cancelOnError:
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<details> close
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<details> done
<pre><code> Returns a future that is completed when the stream is done processing events.
This happens either when the done event has been sent, or if the
subscriber of a single-subscription stream is cancelled.
</code></pre> </details>
<details> hasListener
<pre><code> Whether there is an active listener.
</code></pre> </details>
<details> isClosed
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<details> isPaused
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<details> onListen
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<details> onPause
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<details> onResume
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<details> sink
  Answer this object since it exposes the <EsStreamSink> interface
<details> stream
<pre><code> Answer a new stream every time. The streams are equal, but not identical.
</code></pre> </details>
Last modified date: 04/21/2022