<EsStreamSink> completed by <EsStreamSinkPromise>.
Instance Stream
  • controller: <EsStreamController> or nil. Controller for an intermediate sink. Created if the user adds events to this
sink before the destination sink is set
  • donePromise: <EsPromise> or nil. Promise for #done. Created if the user requests the done future before the
destination sink is set
  • destinationSink: <EsStreamSink> or nil. Destination sink for the events added to this sink. Set when
EsStreamSinkPromise>>setDestinationSink: is called.
Class Methods
Instance Methods
<details> add:
No comment
<details> addError:stackTrace:
No comment
<details> addStream:
No comment
<details> close
No comment
<details> done
  Answers an <EsFuture> that completes when this sink is done
Last modified date: 04/21/2022