A generic destination for data and errors.
This is designed as an abstract class.
This makes it suitable for capturing the results of asynchronous computations, which can complete with a value or an error.
The <EsEventSink> has been designed to handle asynchronous events from <EsStream>s.
See, for example, EsStream class>>eventTransformed:sink: which uses EsEventSinks to transform events.
Other classes can also be event sinks by implementing the method in the @EventSink category
Class Methods
Instance Methods
<details> add:
<pre><code> Adds a data @event to the sink Must not be called on a closed sink.
event - <Object>
</code></pre> </details>
<details> addError:
<pre><code> Adds an @error to the sink Must not be called on a closed sink.
error - <Object>
</code></pre> </details>
<details> addError:stackTrace:
<pre><code> Adds an @error to the sink Must not be called on a closed sink.
error - <Object>
stackTrace - <EsAsyncStackTrace>
</code></pre> </details>
<details> close
  Closes the sink.
     Calling this method more than once is allowed, but does nothing.
     Neither #add: nor #addError:stackTrace: must be called after this method.
Last modified date: 04/21/2022