OLE Client Properties
The activateVerb property specifies the operation to be performed on the contained OLE object when it is activated. Activation is controlled by the activationPolicy resource. The activation verb is supplied from the verbs list for the contained OLE object. The possible values are as follows:
Open the OLE object for editing.
Show the OLE object.
Open the OLE object in a separate window.
Hide the OLE object.
Activate the UI for the OLE object.
Open the OLE for editing in place.
Close the OLE object and discard the undo state.
Request the OLE object properties dialog.
The activationPolicy property specifies the policy used for activation of the contained OLE object. The possible values are:
Activate the OLE object when a double-click is detected on the OLE Client widget.
The OLE object can only be activated programmatically via the doVerb: method.
The backgroundColor property is the name of the RGB color for the background of the part.
The borderWidth property is the width of the border, specified in pixels, that surrounds the part on all four sides. A width of zero means that a border does not show.
On some platforms, the border width is limited to 1 pixel and any nonzero value is set to 1.
The clientClipping property is used to control the drawing of the contained OLE object. If this property is set to true, the OLE object cannot draw outside the OLE Client widget.
The clientName property specifies the OLE class for the OLE object contained in the part. The OLE class name is of the form application.objecttype.version or objecttype.version where:
o application is the name of the application that supplies the object.
o objecttype is the object's name as defined in the registration database.
o version is the version number of the application that supplies the object.
The clientType property is used when an OLE Client is created to select the type of OLE object that will be contained within it. The possible values are:
There is no contained OLE object.
The contained OLE object is linked.
The contained OLE object is embedded.
The deactivationPolicy property specifies the policy used for deactivation of the contained OLE object. It cannot be changed after an OLE Client is created. The possible values are:
Deactivate the contained OLE object when focus is given to another widget in the same shell.
The contained OLE object can only be deactivated programmatically via the doVerb: method.
The decorationPolicy property specifies the decoration policy. The possible values are:
Display no special trimmings around the widget.
Display a border around the widget.
Display resize nibs around the widget.
Display a border and resize nibs.
The displayAsIcon property specifies whether the OLE Client displays its contained OLE object as an icon. If specified after the widget is created, the display of the contained OLE object changes appropriately.
dragDropSpec (AbtDragDropSpec)
The enabled property specifies whether or not the part is available for selection. If true, the part's contents are available for selection.
The enableVerbsMenu property specifies whether a popup menu containing the valid verbs for the contained OLE Control or OLE Client is automatically hooked to the OLE Control or OLE Client. If the menu attribute is set for the part, the enableVerbsMenu has no effect.
The focusDecorationPolicy property specifies the decoration used for controlling the display bounds of the contained OLE object. The possible values are:
Display no special trimmings around the widget.
Display a border around the widget.
Display a border and resize nibs.
The foregroundColor property is the name of the RGB color for the foreground of the part.
The framingSpec property represents the values specified for the edge specifications of the part. The edge specifications determine the width, height, and position of the part.
The helpFile property is the name of the help file associated with the part.
The helpKeysId property is the ID of the keys help associated with the part. The ID can be a string or an integer value.
The ID must exist in the help file associated with the part.
The helpTitle property is the title of the help window associated with the part.
The helpTopicId property is the ID of the help topic associated with the part. The ID can be a string or an integer value.
The ID must exist in the help file associated with the part.
The isRunning property controls whether the application that created the contained OLE object will start running automatically at run time. This is useful for preloading an OLE server application to allow activation to occur more rapidly.
The partName property specifies the name you want to use to describe the part. For nonvisual parts, this text appears under the icon for the part on the free-form surface.
The name of the part can consist of alphanumeric characters, and must be different from those of all other parts on the layout surface.
If you do not specify a part name, VA Smalltalk generates a unique name based on the class name of the part.
The sizePolicy property specifies the policy used for controlling the display bounds of the contained OLE object. The possible values are:
Display the contained OLE object's image in actual size within the widget. No changes are made to the OLE Client's or the OLE object's extents.
The display of the contained OLE object's image is stretched to cover the widget's extents. No changes are made to the OLE client's or the OLE object's extents.
The sourcePath property specifies the file name of the server source for the embedded or linked OLE object when an OLE Client is created with client types XmEMBEDDED or XmLINKED.
The tabGroup property specifies whether or not the part is included as a tab stop so users can use the Tab and Backtab keys to access the part.
The traversalOn property specifies whether users can access the part using the cursor movement keys. If the part is specified as a tab stop by using the tabGroup property, users also can use the Tab and Backtab keys to access the part.