Save Instructions
C:\Users\documentation\Documents\vastePublisher\stable\VAS Documentation Word\images\sg\pcp-si-abt2.png
Save the modified packaging instruction. Select the Save Instructions button, and make one of the following choices:
a. If you select the Save these instructions radio button and the Keep these instructions in memory radio button, the packaging instructions will be saved as part of the packaged image and will be available to you on the Instructions In Memory tab. This increases the size of your image by making the instruction part of your image.
b. If you select the Save these instructions radio button and the Don't keep these instructions in memory radio button, the packaging instructions will be saved to the database and will be available to you on the Instructions In Database tab. This helps you keep the size of your image smaller by saving the instructions outside of the packaged image.
c. If you select the Don't save these instructions radio button and the Keep these instructions in memory radio button, the packaging instruction will not be saved but will be available to you on the Instructions In Memory tab.
d. If you select the Don't save these instructions radio button and the Don't keep these instructions in memory radio button, the packaging instruction will be lost when you close the Packager Control Panel window.
If you choose to save the instruction, provide a class name in the as class input area and an application in the in application input area. It is recommended that you not modify the subclass of input area. If you choose an existing instruction class, the packaged image information is saved to that class, overwriting any previous instruction. If you choose to create a new instruction, provide a unique class name. Then click Save Now.
Make sure that the application you specify is an open edition.
Packaging Instructions Application
You might like to keep packager instructions for your application (whether the code is in Configuration Map(s) or Application) in a separate Application with a similar name. For instance, if your application is in the Configuration Map named Chooser, the packaging instructions can go in ChooserPackagingInstructionsApp.
The packager writes packaging instructions into a class. Your application may need different sets of packaging instructions depending on how it is to be delivered. For example,
o ChooserAbtPackagingInstructions or ChooserIBMSTPackagingInstructions package with a user interface
o ChooserXDAbtPackagingInstructions or ChooserXDIBMSTPackagingInstructions package headless.
Last modified date: 04/10/2019